Meeting with Lord Mayor September 17, 2018
Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk says Anglicare’s current plan to build high-rise towers at Lota House does not meet the requirements of the City Plan. Anglicare and Village Retirement Group have in writing advised Lota House residents that they plan to build 8 x seven story retirement towers on the site - Stage 1 104 units and stage 2 112 units. A development application for stage 1 is before council. Representatives of Bayside Action Group met with the Mayor at City Hall yesterday to present local concerns, including Anglicare’s failure to consult with the community...
About 50 people with banners and posters turned out for Channel 9’s interview on the Lota House high rise application. It was a great effort for 11am Monday morning, acknowledged by Channel 9 journalist, Ebony Cavallaro who said she was impressed to see so many supporting the cause. Thanks to everyone who came, made banners, organised petition signings and generally helped spread the word. Stuart Watson and other BAG members were interviewed as well as local councillor Peter Cumming. Some of the interview can be heard in the video below. (Apologies, the initial questions to Cr Peter Cumming were missed.) There were cameos from Village Retirement Group CEO Greg Little, who said the application was within the limits of what was allowable and Councillor Matthew Bourke, Chairman of City Planning, who said there were a number of concerns including traffic, heritage, height and vegetation. After the interview, Peter Cumming reminded those gathered that the proposed Retirement and Aged Care amendments to the City Plan would make it easier for Anglicare and the Village Retirement Group to build their 7 storey development at Lota House. If the amendments get up, developers will be allowed to build 2 to 4 storeys higher than what’s allowed in adjoining areas. That would mean Anglicare and Village Retirement Group “as of right” could build 4 storeys higher than what’s allowed in the low density (9.6m) surrounding suburb. The local community would not be able to object. Time is Running Out Lodge an objection TODAY! Find out more about the aged care amendments |